Friday, November 20, 2009

Comment on Classmates Blog

Yes, Times are changing. That’s what Sergio posted on his latest blog and he writes about how times are changing. He did a very fine job reasoning his work. He knows what he is writing about. He put in the effort and it shows in his writing. Sergio writes about President Obama, and how he promised change. “The first month had the president ordering the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison…the Obama administration has been accomplishing a lot in its first year”. He writes about President Obama and how much he accomplished thus far. He throws out there of what Obama did and how he kept his promise about “change”. He compares Obama to McCain and Sarah Palin and how we would never be where we are today if they had won. He knows that Obama did in fact do so much for America, but there is a lot more to be done. To further his writing, he gives some examples of what Obama has accomplished and what he still has left to be done. He stayed on topic and it was easy to follow, he does not upset his audience—at least not the Obama supporters. He writes what he believes in detail and has the facts to prove them. Nicely done, Sergio. And yes, Times are changing!

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