Friday, December 4, 2009

Unexpected improvement

We are in our second year of the recession, but not for long. According to the Obama Administration, we are doing better than we did a couple of months ago. About 15 million people are currently unemployed, but in November we saw that there were less people unemployed. There were more people back in business and working. We are hearing that there are more jobs out there and that we just feel like the economy is better. We are still currently at about a 10% unemployment rate. So this brings me to the question, was Obama right, when he said that he will bring America back at our feet? I would say that, he is doing a fine job; I think that we are showing some improvement. People are finding jobs and getting hired. It is going to take up to about five years to get the economy all settled down, but we are seeing some “unexpected improvement”. Many people are looking into this and seeing what Obama has accomplished. He did say that he is going to help with the recession and that is exactly what he is doing. Even though we are not there yet, we are getting there.


  1. I agree with the statement said above addressing the economy and the statistics used in the blog, back the argument perfectly. It was said before Obama's presidency, that the economy was only going to get worse before it got better, but as we can see that that is clearly not the case at all. That's why, as Kosi has said, it is "unexpected improvement" and we as Americans have something to hope for in the future with our new President.

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  3. I think that the statement made above is not as true as it may seem. It's true that people have been working a little bit more and starting to get back on their feet,but I also think it's worth noting that people are unusually cautious of how much money they spend nowadays. The way things have been lately our economy is on very thin ice and can surely take a downturn at the drop of a hat. With companies like McDonald's barely feeling the effects of the recession with the drop in last month's sales figures it's still very possible for things to get worse before they get better and stay that way. Our economy still has a very long way to go before it's back in the green; it's worth noting that almost anyone would tell you "you've got to spend money, to make money," and right now there is way more money being spent than made. Until we see the money that Congress has been shelling out at work people aren't going to spend the money our economy needs to get the much needed jolt we've all waiting for
