Friday, December 11, 2009

More Troops

Courtney writes about how the deployment with Iraq is getting out of hand. She focuses on how we need to speed things up with Afghanistan. She also mentions how President Obama had promised that he would try and get out troops back home. Now this is where I would add some things to Courtney’s More Troops blog. Obama said that he will keep his promise and get our troops back home but, but I think that it will take some time to figure out a way of how to do that. We can’t take big steps, we have to be careful and think big of how we can get out of there as soon as we can but in a smart way.

Courtney put questions that state of why we entered the war in the first place and what our troops are doing there. She is correct about that. What are we really doing there? Now, we can look back and say the 9/11, but did we really need a war over that, a war that takes years and years of fighting? I completely agree with Courtney where she talks about not sending our troops just about anywhere and how we need to finish what we started. We got in this war very quickly, but we are going to get out slowly in a way that will help this country and the Middle East.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Unexpected improvement

We are in our second year of the recession, but not for long. According to the Obama Administration, we are doing better than we did a couple of months ago. About 15 million people are currently unemployed, but in November we saw that there were less people unemployed. There were more people back in business and working. We are hearing that there are more jobs out there and that we just feel like the economy is better. We are still currently at about a 10% unemployment rate. So this brings me to the question, was Obama right, when he said that he will bring America back at our feet? I would say that, he is doing a fine job; I think that we are showing some improvement. People are finding jobs and getting hired. It is going to take up to about five years to get the economy all settled down, but we are seeing some “unexpected improvement”. Many people are looking into this and seeing what Obama has accomplished. He did say that he is going to help with the recession and that is exactly what he is doing. Even though we are not there yet, we are getting there.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Comment on Classmates Blog

Yes, Times are changing. That’s what Sergio posted on his latest blog and he writes about how times are changing. He did a very fine job reasoning his work. He knows what he is writing about. He put in the effort and it shows in his writing. Sergio writes about President Obama, and how he promised change. “The first month had the president ordering the closing of the Guantanamo Bay prison…the Obama administration has been accomplishing a lot in its first year”. He writes about President Obama and how much he accomplished thus far. He throws out there of what Obama did and how he kept his promise about “change”. He compares Obama to McCain and Sarah Palin and how we would never be where we are today if they had won. He knows that Obama did in fact do so much for America, but there is a lot more to be done. To further his writing, he gives some examples of what Obama has accomplished and what he still has left to be done. He stayed on topic and it was easy to follow, he does not upset his audience—at least not the Obama supporters. He writes what he believes in detail and has the facts to prove them. Nicely done, Sergio. And yes, Times are changing!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Are We Done Yet?

The war with Afghanistan I can say now that it is pretty huge now. Majority of the citizens at first wanted in to the war, after a couple of years, I feel like it is getting too much. We are involved in a war that that is very expensive. We should be focusing on better things, like bringing the troops back home. There are too many families that would love to see their loved ones come back to the states. If our enemies are not backing down and we don’t back down, then how long are we going to go through this? Do we have to raise our taxes, make new planes and create new stimulus packages? We would have to do everything and anything to keep us involved in the war, we have to work harder, raise money for the troops.
We should work and negotiate together and try to put a stop to the war. I think if we don’t do this soon enough we might get into deep trouble later. We should think about the future and how this war were involved with is affecting our lives. Instead of putting time and money into the war, we should be focusing more on other things like global warming and things that matter. The war is hurting a lot of people. It seems like both of the parties are not giving up, and if it goes on we going to lose more money and innocent people. So we need to do something about it, we have to come up with a plan to stop the war.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Support for the Troops

When the war with Afghanistan and Iraq started we were all about going in and finishing what we started, well that’s what this article “Support for the troops” from NYT is about. Majority of the Americans wanted in to the war, but are we keeping our promise to the troops? Are we supporting our troops overseas? David Brooks and Bob Herbert the authors for this article are simply answering this two questions, No. They say that we are not putting in the time for our troops. “There is no support for a draft, so that’s not going to be a serious part of the national conversation”. (Brooks and Herbert).
The way I would answer this question is by saying, we promised, but we did not know that the duration would be this long. We did not know right away that this war would cause so much trouble for us here at home. After a while, we see that there are a lot of expenses that are associated with this. We see that are opponents are not backing down either. So are we simply just tired of the war? Yes. After all these years of fighting, we just simply gave up. We are lacking support for the troops and their families. Majority of the audiences now are not taking this seriously, they are not participating in events or taking any actions towards the war. If we act a little different towards our troops and show a little more pride about this war and raise money for the war, we might just turn around and finish what we started.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mission Not Accomplished

Stocks are down, recession starts. Stocks are up, recession is over, right? Wrong. Well this is what the author, Paul Krugman of “Mission Not Accomplished” from New York Times says. We hear in the news that the country is doing better already that it only took a while for the United States to get back on our feet. We hear that the government is doing more to get Americans back to work. They’re trying to input extra jobs out there for their citizens. Unfortunately, when I look around, I still see a lot of people without jobs, unemployment is still high. Those that were laid off because of the economic reasons, many are still searching to find jobs, figuring out a way to pay their rent and put food on the table.
Sure the economy is doing better, and we know for sure that we are not going to end up in another Great Depression. This is where I come into an agreement with the author, “But while not having another depression is a good thing, all indications are that unless the government does much more than is currently planned to help the economy recover, the job market will remain terrible for years to come”. We have to remember that the recession brought a lot of depression to the people that were affected by it. Some had to leave their while collar jobs to move into a blue collar. They had to leave there offices and go flip burgers. When the economy goes down, one has to do much more to get what they once had.
We cannot jump into a conclusion and say ok, the stocks are up and running again, so the recession is over, at least that’s what Ben Bernanke says. The recession left behind a lot of unfinished work that needs time to recover. A report from the International Monetary Fund shows, “a recession caused by a financial crisis, often leads to long-term damage to a country’s growth prospects”. The audience that hear that the recession is over, are thinking twice about this, most are in a disagreement, because they are the ones that really know if the recession is over, they are the ones that are running around and sending resumes everywhere they can just so they can get the a job.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Surrender is NOT an Option


Every year since September 11, 2001 citizens make a tribute on the day that their land was on threat. We remember and pay some time to are heroes who put their lives at risk. To many, who lost their loved ones and friends. The Twin Towers, if you have ever had the chance to take a view from inside out it is said that you feel like you’re on top of the world. “I had occasion to dine in Windows on the World restaurant…from that great height and there, down in the vast harbor, one could see the Statue of Liberty” (Alan Caruba ). If one has an enemy, he is aware that the enemy will do something in disrespect. In this case, Osama bin Laden went straight through the Twin Towers. Hurt many innocent people. Fighting back and trying to get bin Laden is our mission, which resulted on getting tangled in a war with the middles east. I am a firm believer that when we are in such a case, we need to consider the consequences. If you bring in this kind of action, then you better be ready for the reaction.
This is something that is still going on today, some would like to put an end to it, while others think that we should finish what we started. People are concerned and are well-informed of the incident, and how massive it was. This article is a common article about 9/11, it focuses on why we started the war and how people need to accept the fact that America is not surrending, how some believe that it is important for us to keep our word and complete our mission.